Severe Acne is dangerous

Any blemish on the skin, whether just a tiny spot or a huge pimple will create discomfort in anyone. In cases of a mild blemish, it may not create great discomfort because you know well that you can deal with it quite easily. In some cases however, it may escalate and become very severe; then the alert levels are raised. The treatment of severe acne problems is one issue that will give a sufferer great headaches because its cure can be quite elusive.

Severe acne often manifests in the form of deep cysts, inflammation, great damage to the skin and plenty of scarring. A host of factors create severe acne including the overproduction of sebum and keratin, the buildup of bacteria in the skin, the buildup of the male hormone androgen and the inflammatory response. It therefore needs an aggressive treatment procedure which should be carried out only by a dermatologist. This severe form of acne may require a period as long as a number of months of treatment and will often encounter more than one failed treatment plans. Despite that, there is treatment for all forms of acne and as such, treatment of severe acne is very much available.

Getting treatment of severe acne can be a rather daunting task. In most cases, it normally comes after a background of trial and error hence low hopes. Also, it comes after many effects ranging from scars to pimples and therefore creates a feeling of desperation. This often pushes sufferers to certain forms of treatment to try and solve their problem of acne. However, as mentioned earlier on, it is very vital not to embark on self treatment during this period of acne because it will only make things worse. This is why it is extremely crucial to have a dermatologist render the treatment because he is qualified to do just that. Typically, a dermatologist will render one of the following treatments.

One strategy of treatment that dermatologists will offer will be drainage and surgical excision. This entails the drainage and extraction of some of the large cysts which do not respond to medication. Another treatment is in the form of an intralesional corticosteroid injection which involves injecting the cysts with a much-diluted corticosteroid and therefore lessening the inflammation by basically "melting" it in a period of 3 to 5 days. One other treatment is the use of a potent drug called isotretinoin. This one is a synthetic retinoid that is in pill form. It is normally taken once or twice a day for a period of 16 to 20 weeks. Finally, a treatment of severe acne that dermatologists will embark on is the use of prescribing oral antibiotics.

It is important to take a good hold of an acne situation or else it will escalate very rapidly. In the event that it escalates, a treatment of severe acne might be elusive but if you see a dermatologist, they will carry out one of the above treatments for you thus giving you back the youthfulness of your skin.